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5 Best Cannabis Packaging Design Tips

5 Best Cannabis Packaging Design Tips

First impressions are everything. In today’s blooming cannabis industry, your product’s packaging can make or break your success. How do you create eye-catching packaging that’s functional, unique, and piques the interest of your customer? Here are five cannabis packaging design tips to help you package your product for success:

Find Your Audience

First, you need to identify your target audience. With so many different demographics of users, avoid trying to appeal to every single person who consumes cannabis and instead focus on one specific type of customer. Consider whether your product is best suited for millennials, luxury shoppers, CBD enthusiasts, etc.,  then use that to create a customer avatar. If you need help narrowing down your audience, ask yourself:

  • Who are they?
  • What do they do?
  • What is their age?
  • What are their interests?

Build Your Brand

Once you identify your target audience, it’s time to focus on building the brand. Your packaging should effectively communicate your brand’s story and vision to help create an important first impression. Use unique colors, printing, and imagery to build a brand identity that your audience trusts. Even the materials you use will have an effect on customer perception. For example, eco-friendly packaging is something that customers will purchase just because they identify with and support the cause.

Choose Quality

Your packaging should look the part, but it also needs to be functional. Since cannabis should be kept airtight to remain fresh, it’s important that it’s stored in materials that get the job done right. Avoid cheap plastic containers and choose packaging that increases your product’s perceived value while maintaining freshness.

Make it Timeless

The best packaging gets reused over and over again. Imagine your brand’s pre-roll tin sitting on someone’s coffee table for years to come, long after they’ve finished what was inside. The key to creating timeless packaging is to find the right balance between function, durability, and creative branding.

Keep Compliant

If you want to be a successful cannabis company, you need to remain compliant with all state laws regarding packaging. On top of complying with regulations, packaging your cannabis products in child-resistant tins, jars, bottles, or bags adds a level of safety and responsibility that customers can feel confident about when purchasing your product.


As times change and the industry grows, cannabis packaging standards are higher than ever before. Gone are the days of purchasing “grass” in a plastic bag—now cannabis consumers expect high-quality products in outstanding packaging.

If you’re looking for a manufacturer to supply customizable, child-resistant, eco-friendly packaging, contact us today at [email protected]